This blog was created to inform and educate. You can be part of this blog by leaving your comments, observations or thoughts on each of the entries presented.
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018
viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018
viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018
La buena alimentación y planificación del tiempo libre
Por: Ramón Guerra / maestro de Ciencias AIPCV
Al iniciar el año escolar todos, tanto maestros como alumnos, nos
sentimos con muchas energías para hacer el mayor esfuerzo, trabajar
eficientemente y obtener los mejores resultados. Sin embargo, a lo largo
del año, esas energías merman cualitativa y cuantitativamente. Esta
situación se ve reflejada en el bajo rendimiento académico por parte de
los alumnos. Para evitar caer en esta situación puedo recomendar tener
un balance entre la buena alimentación y planificación del tiempo
Al alimentarnos bien, nuestro organismo obtiene los nutrientes
necesarios para optimizar las funciones vitales y a la vez nos dota de
energía para realizar las tareas diarias dentro y fuera del entorno
escolar. Les recomiendo a los padres que coloquen comida sana y
balanceada en las loncheras de sus niños además de agua.
Son seis los nutrientes esenciales para el cuerpo: carbohidratos,
proteínas, minerales, vitaminas, agua, grasas y azúcar. Estos dos
últimos deben consumirse en bajas cantidades, ya que su abuso puede
acarrear enfermedades como la obesidad y diabetes. Un emparedado y jugo
natural, por ejemplo, pueden contener muchos de estos nutrientes en
forma conjunta.
Es muy importante también planificar el tiempo de trabajo vespertino y
repartir las responsabilidades a lo largo de la semana poniendo como
prioridad las asignaciones o tareas más próximas. De esta forma
lograremos todos culminar el año lectivo de forma exitosa.
Estudiar 4 o 5 horas vespertinas
diariamente puede ser extenuante para un
estudiante después de estar alrededor de 8 horas dentro de un aula de clases.
Estudiar una hora o menos puede también puede ser muy poco para lograr altos
grados de calidad. Como cada quien tiene distintas técnicas de estudio y ritmos
de aprendizajes, es importante conocer cuánto se sabe de cada tema a estudiar o
repasar, y diseñar horarios diarios que sean flexibles y en el cual no solo
esté plasmado el tiempo de estudio sino las actividades recreativas y
Academia Interamericana de Panamá Sede Cerro Viento
March 5, 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to AIP Cerro Viento and the Science class! I am excited to work with your child this year. I know we will have a successful and productive school year and I look forward to being a part of the academic progress your child will make.
I expect students to be scientists in Science classes – they will observe and question the natural world, keep careful records of their activities in their notebooks, think critically, perform laboratories, deliver oral presentations, design projects and draw lots of conclusions.
The science curriculum will integrate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). We will study Earth, Life and Physical Science. The After School Program begins next week (March 12th). Educational Robotics classes will be given in the following schedule:
Monday 4th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Tuesday 5th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Wednesday 6th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Thursday 7th and 8th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Friday 4th to 6th Experimental Science
Parents must pick students punctually or ask for transportation service in the school office (Ask for Ada / 266-0090). If you have any question, concern or doubt about the nature of these courses you may send an e-mail ( During this school year we will be working hard on recycling. We, the teachers, are going to supervise and promote the culture of recycling in our schools. We expect the support and practice of this activity at home too.
Our school had been participating in the NASA camp in the KSC in Orlando Fl. Students from 6th to 9th are invited to participate in this great trip in September. I can help you will all the information and process required. Just send me messages through SEDUCA or email.
Students can frequently visit my blog ( to be in touch with what is happening in the Science classes and activities in the school as well as Science news around the world. By the end of the school year, your child will possess an age-appropriate understanding of the scientific world and to be able to conduct scientific investigations on his or her own. Students will be tested every single week during the quarter. I have set specific days for Science evaluations.
The following list shows Science test days:
4th Tuesdays
5th Wednesdays
6th Wednesdays
In order to create a positive learning environment, I have developed a classroom discipline plan with specific expectations for all students. Everyone in the classroom will work together as a team to achieve our learning goals with few interruptions. The plan below outlines the classroom rules, positive rewards, and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. My classroom expectations:
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Expect the best.
Ask before acting.
Minds on!
Walk at all times.
Offer to help.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
If a student chooses to ignore an expectation:
• First Consequence: Verbal warning.
• Second Consequence: Written warning
• Third Consequence: Detention To encourage students,
I will recognize appropriate behavior with individual, group, and class rewards. Individual students will be praised for their good behavior and will be rewarded with positive notes, stickers, or special privileges. On a weekly basis, individuals or groups may earn bonus toward tests.
There are various ways I would appreciate your support at home:
Ask your child what they have learned at school every day (science home reading, assignments, studying virtual lessons at, will involve your child in reinforcing scientific concepts they learned in the Science class.
Emphasize the importance of home readings and hard work. As they will have science home readings, please help them to establish a regular time and place (away from the TV) for a better comprehension of the topic. In addition, try to expose the child in the natural world and let them make observations and drawing conclusions. For example: it is cloudy today, it will probably rain (making predictions)
If necessary, set appointments with me to talk about your child’s progress.
Take records of grades and assignments by watching SEDUCA every day.
Watch for mistakes and make corrections when students receive tests in the weekly papers. Please do not wait for formal conferences to discuss any concerns you may have. You may email me using the message section in SEDUCA or call me at school (266-0090). I look forward to have frequent communication with you as we work together to ensure your child’s success!
Sincerely, Teacher Ramón Guerra (Science teacher) Email:
Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to AIP Cerro Viento and the Science class! I am excited to work with your child this year. I know we will have a successful and productive school year and I look forward to being a part of the academic progress your child will make.
I expect students to be scientists in Science classes – they will observe and question the natural world, keep careful records of their activities in their notebooks, think critically, perform laboratories, deliver oral presentations, design projects and draw lots of conclusions.
The science curriculum will integrate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). We will study Earth, Life and Physical Science. The After School Program begins next week (March 12th). Educational Robotics classes will be given in the following schedule:
Monday 4th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Tuesday 5th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Wednesday 6th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Thursday 7th and 8th Robotics (Lego Mindstorms)
Friday 4th to 6th Experimental Science
Parents must pick students punctually or ask for transportation service in the school office (Ask for Ada / 266-0090). If you have any question, concern or doubt about the nature of these courses you may send an e-mail ( During this school year we will be working hard on recycling. We, the teachers, are going to supervise and promote the culture of recycling in our schools. We expect the support and practice of this activity at home too.
Our school had been participating in the NASA camp in the KSC in Orlando Fl. Students from 6th to 9th are invited to participate in this great trip in September. I can help you will all the information and process required. Just send me messages through SEDUCA or email.
Students can frequently visit my blog ( to be in touch with what is happening in the Science classes and activities in the school as well as Science news around the world. By the end of the school year, your child will possess an age-appropriate understanding of the scientific world and to be able to conduct scientific investigations on his or her own. Students will be tested every single week during the quarter. I have set specific days for Science evaluations.
The following list shows Science test days:
4th Tuesdays
5th Wednesdays
6th Wednesdays
In order to create a positive learning environment, I have developed a classroom discipline plan with specific expectations for all students. Everyone in the classroom will work together as a team to achieve our learning goals with few interruptions. The plan below outlines the classroom rules, positive rewards, and consequences for appropriate and inappropriate behavior. My classroom expectations:
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Expect the best.
Ask before acting.
Minds on!
Walk at all times.
Offer to help.
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
If a student chooses to ignore an expectation:
• First Consequence: Verbal warning.
• Second Consequence: Written warning
• Third Consequence: Detention To encourage students,
I will recognize appropriate behavior with individual, group, and class rewards. Individual students will be praised for their good behavior and will be rewarded with positive notes, stickers, or special privileges. On a weekly basis, individuals or groups may earn bonus toward tests.
There are various ways I would appreciate your support at home:
Ask your child what they have learned at school every day (science home reading, assignments, studying virtual lessons at, will involve your child in reinforcing scientific concepts they learned in the Science class.
Emphasize the importance of home readings and hard work. As they will have science home readings, please help them to establish a regular time and place (away from the TV) for a better comprehension of the topic. In addition, try to expose the child in the natural world and let them make observations and drawing conclusions. For example: it is cloudy today, it will probably rain (making predictions)
If necessary, set appointments with me to talk about your child’s progress.
Take records of grades and assignments by watching SEDUCA every day.
Watch for mistakes and make corrections when students receive tests in the weekly papers. Please do not wait for formal conferences to discuss any concerns you may have. You may email me using the message section in SEDUCA or call me at school (266-0090). I look forward to have frequent communication with you as we work together to ensure your child’s success!
Sincerely, Teacher Ramón Guerra (Science teacher) Email:
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Manual Lego set 31313 Mindstorms Ev3rstorm
Welcome to the second quarter of the school year. This quarter is full of activities you will enjoy learning and having fun. The first top...
Hello students:Now you have the opportunity to express yourself and retell about your experience at EXPLORA. Write with coherence, follow pu...