This blog was created to inform and educate. You can be part of this blog by leaving your comments, observations or thoughts on each of the entries presented.
viernes, 28 de abril de 2017
miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017
lunes, 24 de abril de 2017
Surfing on the web with my 6th graders, I found the following article that propose facts related to the differences between men and women beyond the social world, it relates to our organisms. Read and think. You may leave a comment if your want.
Teacher Ramón Guerra
Just The Facts
- Men have larger brains; women have more brain cells.
- Men and women use different parts of their brains while thinking.
- There are significant differences in the brain activity of men and women.
- Male brain neurons are about a third larger than female neurons; male and female neurons take up significantly different amounts of dopamine–a brain chemical that acts as a mood enhancer, relieves pain and regulate motion.
- Because of the later maturation in males of the part of the brain that weighs risks and moderates impulsive behavior, adolescent boys are more likely than girls to take life-threatening risks, commit suicide and die violently than girls of the same age.
- Women experience more pain from pressure and electrical stimulation than men.
- Males are more likely than females to identify binge eating as normal.
- Parts of the hypothalamus are larger in heterosexual males than in transgender and homosexual males.
- Women are more likely than men to recover their speech after a stroke.
- Men have larger hearts; women’s hearts beat faster.
- Heart disease presents differently in men and women: men feel a crashing pain in their chest; women experience fleeting pain in the upper abdomen, shortness of breath, and sweating.
- When a woman reaches menopause, her risk for cardiovascular disease increases four-fold.
- The electrical system of the heart is different in men and women: women have faster heart rates and a different electrocardiogram than men.
- The time for the heart to return to baseline after a beat is longer for women than men.
- Men who are diagnosed with heart disease are typically ten years younger than women.
- In general, coronary artery disease strikes men almost two decades earlier than it does women; most men with coronary artery disease are dead by the time they are 65.
- Sudden cardiac death (death within an hour of the onset of symptoms) is more common in males.
- Women are more likely to develop abnormally rapid heart rates, particularly in association with their menstrual periods.
- Fifty nine percent of women but only 39% of men have strokes associated with high blood pressure.
- Women are susceptible to potentially lethal arrythmias when they take some of the very medication that stabilize rhythm in men.
- Even when corrected for body size, men’s lungs are bigger than women’s.
- It is more dangerous for women to smoke than for men. For the same number of cigarettes smoked, women are 20 to 70 percent more likely than men to develop lung cancer.
- A man takes 12 breaths per minute while a woman takes only nine breaths per minute on average.
- Women are less prone to hiccups than men.
- Because they have more active immune systems, women have the ability to fight off viral infections better than men.
- Men are more susceptible to parasitic infestations than women because of their higher levels of testosterone, which promotes parasite breeding rates.
- Food takes twice as long to pass through the digestive system of women compared with that of men.
- Boys between 11 and 15 are more likely than their sisters to have iron deficiency anemias because girls absorb iron more easily from their gastrointestinal tracts than boys at that age.
- Food leaves a man’s stomach a third faster than a woman’s, and liquids twice as quickly.
- Women are more likely than men to feel overly full after eating and have more problems with bloating and gas immediately following a meal.
- The composition of bile, which is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder, is different between the sexes; some of the breakdown products of bile increase women’s risk for colon cancer and may also explain the twice-higher incidence of inflammatory diseases of the intestine in females, including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease.
- Eighty percent of roughly 210,000 hip fractures each year occur in women.
- Osteoporosis is less likely to occur in women with hypertension who are treated with a thiazide diuretic (Diuril): the drug helps preserve bone as well as reducing blood pressure because it tends to reduce the amount of calcium excreted in the urine.
- Osteoporosis isn’t a disease of older women alone; back pain in an older man will prompt a savvy doctor to order a bone density test, just as he would for a woman.
- Differences in the liver’s drug processing system affect the way medicines are processed; women clear several medications faster than men, including the antibiotic erythromycin, prednisolone and diazepam (Valium).
- There are sex-specific differences in the absorption and metabolism of pain-killing medications and anesthetics.
- Because of their greater biologic vulnerability and the fact that society assigns men the most dangerous jobs, men are six years younger than women when they die.
- Boy babies are twice as likely to die before birth than girls. Although approximately 240 males are conceived for every 100 girls, the ratio of boys to girls at birth is 1.05 to 1.
- Women develop melanoma on different areas of the body than men. Skin cancer occurs more frequently on the ears and necks of men and on the legs of women probably due to the shorter hairstyles of men and the exposed legs of women, since they are almost always caused by exposure to the sun.
- A typical colon cancer is located 10 to 20 percent higher up in the colon in women than in men.
- Pancreatic cancer occurs three times more frequently in men than in women. Estrogen and progesterone appear to protect women from pancreatic cancer.
- In both men and women, some cancers have receptors for estrogen and progesterone, and for patients whose cancers carry such receptors, survival rates are lower because circulating hormones attach to these receptors and impact the malignancy’s behavior.
Learning about the periodic table has always been a challenge for chemistry students. Today, the technology of communication and the internet make it easy. The following link leads you to a great way of learning about the periodic table of elements.
Teacher Ramón Guerra
Teacher Ramón Guerra
viernes, 21 de abril de 2017
miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017
Asteroide pasará cerca de la Tierra
Un asteroide pasará cerca de la Tierra este 19 de abril ¿Debemos preocuparnos?
Un gran asteroide se dirige hacia nuestro planeta, pero no es necesario que busques refugio. La roca del espacio conocida como 2014 JO25, pasará sin peligro cerca de la Tierra el 19 de abril, de acuerdo con la NASA. Según los expertos hay 0 posibilidad de que choque contra nosotros. El asteroide mide 650 metros, lo equivalente a seis campos de fútbol americano. ¿Y qué tan cerca es 'muy cerca'? La NASA dice que la roca se acercará a 1,8 millones de kilómetros de la Tierra. Eso es como 4,6 veces la distancia de la Tierra a la Luna. La Luna, por cierto, está a unos 384.400 kilómetros de la Tierra. Aunque varios asteroides de talla pequeña pasan a cierta distancia de la Tierra varias veces a la semana, esto es lo más cerca que pasará un asteroide de este tamaño o más grande en los últimos 13 años, desde que el asteroide Toutatis lo hiciera en 2004, de acuerdo con la agencia espacial. "El asteroide se acercará a la Tierra desde la posición del Sol y será visible en el cielo nocturno después del 19 de abril", dijo la NASA. Si no tienes un telescopio, puedes seguir el paso del asteroide aquí. Los astrónomos descubrieron el 2014 JO25 hace tres años (adivinaste, en 2014). Este será su encuentro más cercano con la Tierra en los últimos 400 años.
martes, 11 de abril de 2017
Making models of cells
One way students may fix knowledge about both, animal and plant cells, is to make models using clay. They enjoy a lot working together nd learning at the same time.
sábado, 8 de abril de 2017
Campamento NASA 2017
Con mucho ánimo y grandes espectativas nos reunimos la profesora Anela Anderson, la agencia de viajes Modernos representada por Lusiana Kramer y un grupo de padres de familia de la AIPCV y yo, Prof. Ramón Guerra, para conversar sobre nuestro tercer campamento a la NASA que se realizará en septiembre de este año.
La dirección de nuestro plantel, personal docente y el club de padres de familia confían plenamente en este proyecto educativo que ha traido grandes experiencias y aprendizaje de nuestros edtudiantes y profesores. Dos años de aventuras en la NASA que han sido exitosos y la logística llevada a cabo nos dejan con grandes deseos de hacer de esta actividad una rutina permanente.
La seguridad en aeropuertos, hoteles, lugares recreativos y en las instalaciones del Kennedy Space Center ha sido extremas. Todo lo anterior gracias a la labor ardua con más de 40 años de experiencia de una agencia de viajes reconocida, profesores con visión y una dirección académica responsable.
Gracias a todos lo que apoyan a este proyecto de la AIPCV, por la confianza y buenos comentarios. Gracias a aquellos estudiantes que ya han disfrutado de esta experiencia en los años anteriores por sus testimonios y demostrar sus conocimientos adquiridos en clases y que son sin duda para toda la vida. Gracias padres de familia por confiar en la gestión educativa del colegio. Gracias a los maestros chaperones que se visten con armadura de respondabilidad y valentía ante este evento.
Seguimos sin parar en nuestra aventura NASA cada año.
Maestro de Science AIPCV
La dirección de nuestro plantel, personal docente y el club de padres de familia confían plenamente en este proyecto educativo que ha traido grandes experiencias y aprendizaje de nuestros edtudiantes y profesores. Dos años de aventuras en la NASA que han sido exitosos y la logística llevada a cabo nos dejan con grandes deseos de hacer de esta actividad una rutina permanente.
La seguridad en aeropuertos, hoteles, lugares recreativos y en las instalaciones del Kennedy Space Center ha sido extremas. Todo lo anterior gracias a la labor ardua con más de 40 años de experiencia de una agencia de viajes reconocida, profesores con visión y una dirección académica responsable.
Gracias a todos lo que apoyan a este proyecto de la AIPCV, por la confianza y buenos comentarios. Gracias a aquellos estudiantes que ya han disfrutado de esta experiencia en los años anteriores por sus testimonios y demostrar sus conocimientos adquiridos en clases y que son sin duda para toda la vida. Gracias padres de familia por confiar en la gestión educativa del colegio. Gracias a los maestros chaperones que se visten con armadura de respondabilidad y valentía ante este evento.
Seguimos sin parar en nuestra aventura NASA cada año.
Maestro de Science AIPCV
viernes, 7 de abril de 2017
miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017
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